Seabreeze Farm - Canada

Upgrading an existing RNG plant

Seabreeze Farm has been growing their business with renewable energy since 2012. In 2021, the small dairy farm replaced their existing biogas upgrading system with DMT’s Carborex®MS. As one of five operational renewable natural gas (RNG) facilities in British Columbia (B.C.), Seabreeze Farm continues to be pioneers of producing RNG in Canada. This case study highlights the benefits of using DMT’s technology for dairy and agricultural projects.

1 of 5 operational biogas plants in British Columbia
1% total natural gas supply of British Columbia
99,5% methane recovery using 3-stage
98% plant uptime in the field

DMT's Canadian-Made Membrane System

To prevent logistic delays or lack of compliance, all Canadian projects use components from Canadian suppliers and are delivered through DMT’s Canadian incorporated enterprise.

In 2021, Seabreeze Farm replaced their existing water-wash system with DMT’s three-stage membrane system to improve on efficiency, uptime, and reliability.

In terms of GHG emissions, the project equates to removing 650 vehicles from roadways or generating energy for 360 homes.

About the project

As pioneers of producing RNG in Canada, Seabreeze Farm, a small dairy farm in British Columbia, made headlines back in 2014 when they announced they combined anaerobic digestion with a water- wash system for biogas upgrading. The farm’s decision to recently replace their biogas upgrading equipment with DMT’s Carborex®MS reflects what analysts have witnessed over the last five years: that membrane separation is the prevalent technology used in North America’s RNG industry.

Project results

In terms of GHG emissions, the project equates to removing 650 vehicles from roadways or generating energy for 360 homes. With the Seabreeze Farm Facility operational, five percent of British Columbia’s natural gas comes from renewable resources. According to a recent report by the Canadian Biogas Association, Canada has the capability to tap more than eight times its current biogas and RNG production.

Related cases

We deliver reliable technology and services to our customers. With a team of experts, DMT works on these solutions by designing, producing, installing appropriate services.

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